Ordination to the Holy Priesthood Class of 2014: Fr. Chase Michael Hilgenbrinck, Fr. Matthew Robert Hoelscher, Fr. Corey John Krengiel, and Fr. Kyle Anthony Lucas.
Video of Promise of the Elect:
Promise of Obedience Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Matthew Hoelscher |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Matthew Hoelscher |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Corey Krengiel |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Corey Krengiel |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Kyle Lucas |
Promise of Obedience Fr. Kyle Lucas |
The Litany of the Saints |
Video of Investiture with the Stole and Chasuble:
Anointing Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck |
Anointing Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck |
Anointing Fr. Matthew Hoelscher |
Anointing Fr. Matthew Hoelscher |
Anointing Fr. Corey Krengiel |
Anointing Fr. Corey Krengiel |
Anointing Fr. Kyle Lucas |
Anointing Fr. Kyle Lucas |
Mothers of the ordained |
The ciborium presented during the gift procession of the Mass belonged to the Venerable Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and was used by him during the celebration of Holy Mass. The newly ordained receive the chalice and paten.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Ciborium |
Presentation Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck |
Presentation Fr. Matthew Hoelscher |
Presentation Fr. Kyle Lucas |
Presentation Fr. Corey Krengiel |
The Bishop stands and gives the kiss of peace to the new priests, followed by all the priests.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Solemn Blessing and Dismissal: The newly ordained priests impart their first blessing upon the Bishop and then join the Bishop in giving the final blessing.
Singing of the Ave Maria