The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother – reflections by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC
Narrator: The meeting of Jesus and His mother Mary was brief but intense. Mary stood before her Son helplessly, recalling the words that Simeon foretold long ago: “A sword will pierce your heart.” Jesus gazes into Mary’s eyes, and without speaking a word, assures His mother that the Lord God will not let this suffering be in vain. Jesus feels His mother’s anguish and gives her the silent assurance that the giving of His life for all was the Father’s means to give salvation and eternal life to all those who believe. Silently communicating her love for Jesus, Mary returns to her place in the crowd.
All: Incarnate Lord, You are the Son of God and the Son of Mary. When Your eyes met those of Your Most Holy Mother, she shared fully in Your anguish and knew Your pain. As the first and greatest of all Your disciples, she was faithful to You from the crib to the cross. Give us the strength and courage Mary had at that terrible moment, so that we may be Your witnesses before the world. May the prayers of the Sorrowful Mother shield us from evil and protect us in temptation. O Christ, You are the Savior of the world. Amen