Bishop's Blog

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Third Station of the Cross

The Third Station: Jesus Falls For The First Time – reflections by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC
Narrator:  Already, Jesus falls under the awful weight of the cross.  He has just begun the journey and Golgotha is still so far away.  He is weak from the blows He has received, and the soldiers continue to strike Him and insult Him.  They force Him up quickly so that He will not experience any relief or any opportunity to lie in the dirt to rest for a moment.  The crowd insults Him and enjoys the spectacle unfolding before them.  Finally, Jesus gets up and continues on His way, because His work is not yet finished.

All: Grieving Lord, this falling shows the great weight of our sins.  Good Shepherd, forgive our many falls from grace and help us to feel sorrow for the pain we have caused others.  Help us to imitate Your obedience and rise up with renewed commitment to face our responsibilities.  O Christ, You are the Savior of the world. Amen.